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Plan For The Future

The project has the intention of creating a Mental Health and Well being HUB for people in the community to communicate their problems and seek the necessary support they need . A place to relax, socialise and make friends whilst being able to access appropriate services and if nothing else, just a chat.. We aim to create a cafe with access to the internet to aid in supporting people back to work or accessing information they may need. We would like to add a small gym as exercise is a fantastic way to reduce stress, anxiety etc. A sensory room for relaxation by way of music, low light and comfortable environment away from disruption. We will look to employ health professionals that will benefit our service. We will continuously talk with our service users to identify what best works for them and be user led.  There are many other ideas in the pipeline and we are developing the idea through focus groups and extensive research, Watch this space !!


Initially this website will serve to help make positive links in the community and beyond, share content that is both relevant and representative of people's views today and encourage a different understanding towards mental health in general. We would like to see a new and different approach by the government and therefore where possible will communicate the views of our people to those that have the power to influence change. We will also communicate with other agencies relevant to our objectives. We will look at raising finance to move forward and create the center this organisation requires in order to make the next step locally.

A big part of this foundation will also be about addressing Mental Health Stigma in all areas of life and look to work with others to make this happen for as long as it takes to achieve this shared goal. We are very active on social media platforms which allow us to continuously learn new ideas, connect with people, and above all find new ways to help men and their families cope with all forms of mental health.

Although our much needed HUB is some way off we want to make it clear that you are welcome to contact us for any support, guidance or information whilst we at the foundation strive to bring our dreams to life ! !

Please follow us on our journey via this website, or via Twitter and Facebook and keep up to date with our progress.

We would like to make it clear that this is a not for profit project and we will ensure that 100% of any donations will go directly to building and helping the foundation grow. Please note this website is not currently accepting any donations at this time.

Thanks for reading.